
Hulbert Letters/Summer Intern - Josh

페이지 정보

작성자 관** 조회 3,221회 작성일 20-11-10 11:06


Dear Advisers and Friends,

Hope you are well with the family.

Dr .Hulbert left appr. 1,000 letters most of which were written from Korea to the family members and friends in the U.S.
The Society plans to translate those letters into Korean for the publication of a book of letters in the future.
For this purpose, after Karl Schitz, Dartmouth graduate, Joshua R. Briscoe, sophomore of the Central Michigan University, has come to our office
to work as summer intern since early May.
He will transcribe the letters, whcih are cursives, into modern English and I or someone will translate them into Korean.
I express heartfelt thanks to professor Hope Elizabeth May for the recommendation of Josh. Professor May spoke on Dr. Hulbert a couple of times at the Hulbert symposium.
Hope you join me wishing Josh spend wonderful time during this summer with the Society.

Thanks for your interest in and support of Hulbert Memorial Society.
Wish you the best,

DongJin Kim, Chairman, The Hulbert Memorial Society

헐버트의 숭고한 한국 사랑 정신을 헐버트박사기념사업회가 이어가겠습니다.

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헐버트 박사가 보여 주신 업적도 뛰어나지만,사재를 털어 평생 헐버트 박사님의 생애를 연구하시고 자료를 발굴하면서 동분서주 하신 김동진 회장님께도 깊은 경의를 표하고 싶습니다.

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조그마한 후원금, 재능기부라도 기념사업회에 큰 힘이 됩니다.

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