
Leaving 2007 behind

페이지 정보

작성자 관** 조회 3,128회 작성일 20-11-10 10:20


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Firstly, on behalf of the Hulbert Memorial Society I sincerely thank you for your support and contribution to the Society.

Recalling 2007 I am quite satisfactory with the Society"s activities.

In June, I attended a seminar on "the 100th anniversary of the dispatch of korean delegation to the International Peace
Conference held in Hague, Netherland. In this seminar I insisted that korean delegation is 4 including Dr. Hulbert in addition
to 3 korean delegates. This insistence was largely covered by korean media and drew a lot of attention from korean
scholars and historians.

Also there were a number of TV specials on the dispatch of korean delegations to Hague where my interview on Dr. Hulbert’s
crucial role in the dispatch of korean delegation by korean Emperor was largely covered.

Most importantly we invited Dr. Hulbert’s granddaughter(Ms. Judy Adams), who lived together with Dr. Hulbert when he was alive
(lived in Springfield), and her son(Jonathan) from Long Island, N.Y. to the 58th Memorial Service for Dr Hulbert.
She gave us a vivid story of Dr. Hulbert and observed the Service with korean attendants. Her visit was widely covered by korean
media. Also she brought a lot of pictures, books and letters of Dr. Hulbert and the family that are very valuable items to us.
I truly thank Judy for her visit, and also thank Bruce Hulbert, a grandson of Dr. Hulbert living in Arizona, for pictures and articles.

We also published a book titled "Classified Japanese Government Documents on the Dispatch of Korean Delegation to Hague".
This reveals everything about the crucial role Dr. Hulbert played in relation to the dispatch of the delegation by the Emperor.
Japanese Secret Police espionaged all the activities of Dr. Hulbert.

Also MBC TV made a Special on Hangul, korean alphabet, where Dr. Hulbert was introduced as a great advocate of korean
We also made the website in korean and english(www.hulbert.or.kr) for the Society which now serves as the important info. source for visitors to learn about Dr. Hulbert.

I believe this year marked another milestone in promoting the Hulbert to the heart of koreans.

Again thank you all for your support and interest in the Society.

Wish you and the family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

With warm regards, Dongjin(DJ) Kim, Chairman, the Hulbert Memorial Society

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