
Memorial Service for Dr .Hulbert upon the 69th Anniversary of his Pass…

페이지 정보

작성자 관** 조회 3,339회 작성일 20-11-10 11:09


Dear Friends,

Hope this finds you well with the family.

As always the memorial service for Dr. Hulbert was held with the largest number of attendance.

Many Korean dignitaries attended including 97 year old living independence patriot who fought against Japan before 1945, while U.S. government was represented by Robert Rapson, Deputy of Mission, and Daniel Turnbull, Spokesperson of U.S. Embassy in Korea.

The specialty of this years service was the theme of

This is the release of the Dr. Hulberts article to the Japan Chronicle carried on April 4th, 1907 on the Pagoda stolen by a Japanese minister.

Dr. Hulbert in this article asked the Japanese government to exact the return of the stolen national treasure as it is sure that a Japanese minister took the Pagoda to his own garden from Gaeseong, currently North Korea, where the Pagoda stood.

I visited Yokohama, Japan last year to research the full text of the article and obtained it. But while researching the article I found that there was a separate article by the Japan Chronicle where they supported Dr. Hulberts argument. Furthermore the paper confirmed that they received from Dr. Hulbert several photos of the place where the Pagoda originally stood.

This release is the first open to the public, so the Society is unearthing a new history.

Korean papers are covering this commending the Societys excavation of the another history.

Thanking all of you for your support of the Society,

Kim DongJin, Chairman, The Hulbert Memorial Society

For your reference, link to Korean papers:

​▣ 문화일보⇒ http://www.munhwa.com/news/view.html?no=2018080901032339173001

​▣ 재외동포신문⇒ http://www.dongponews.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=37575

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