
Essay Contest/Awarding Ceremony

페이지 정보

작성자 관** 조회 3,366회 작성일 20-11-10 14:21


Dear Friends,

Last Wednesday we held the awarding ceremony at the auditorium of the Korean Methodist Church headquarters, for the essay contest on the book , which is a collection of Homer B. Hulberts 57 articles written from 1886 thorough 1897. This is appr. one fourth of his whole articles written about Koreas history, culture and and independent sovereignty.
For the awarding ceremony government representative(Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs), Mayor of Mapo-gu, and Spokesperson of the U.S. Embassy to Korea(Daniel Turnbull) and other diginitaries attended.
There were 13 awardees: They are diverse from housewife to professor, army officer(captain), actor, college student, church minister, etc.
Mugunghwa(Rose of Sharon or hibiscus, Koreas national flower) award: 1 awardee with prize of 1,000,000 won Baekdu(highest mountain in Korean peninsula, located at North Korean border with China) award: 2 awardees with prize of 700,000 won each
Halla(located in Jeju island, highest in south Korea) award: 3 awardees with prize of 500,000 won each
Arirang(the most famous Koreas national folksong) award: 7 awardees with prize of 300,000 won each

Main themes of awardees writing about Dr. Hulbert are their astonishment and feeling of marvel about Dr. Hulberts intellectual competency(everybody says he must be a genius, otherwise he can not observe and recognize the core value of Korean culture in such depth) and his pragmatic attitude.

Thank you for your interest in and support to the Hulbert Memorial Scoiety.

Wishing you make 2018 the best year ever, Happy New Year to you and the family.

Best regards, DongJin Kim, The Hulbert Memorial Society 

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