
헐버트박사님의 비교언어학적 업적, 인터넷 백과사전에 실림

페이지 정보

작성자 홍** 조회 3,280회 작성일 20-11-10 15:43


저는 헐버트박사님의 ,한국어는 드라비다어에서 영향을 받았다>는 주장을 신봉하여 드라비다어중 최대 언어인 타밀어를 연구하기위해 캐나다에서 한국타밀연구회를 결성한 김정남입니다. 타밀어와 한국어의 유사성, 타밀풍습과 한국 전래 풍습의 유사성에 대하 연구논문을 여러 차례에 걸쳐 한국의 경향신문 자매 주간지에 발표한 바 있습니다.
인터넷에서 김정남 타밀을 입력하시면 제가 쓴 여러 편의 논문들을 읽을 수 있으며 그 선구자적인 분은 다름아닌 헐버르박사임를 거듭 알게 해줍니다.
다음의 인터넷 백과사전에선 헐버트박사님의 비교언어학적인 업적을 명시하고 있습니다.
일독을 권합니다.

캐나다 토론토에서 한국타밀연구회 김정남 드림
전화번호 : 1-416-512-6623
이메일 : namkimm@hanmail.net (이거 하나로 통일됐음을 알려드립니다.)

Dravido-Korean languages
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
distribution: South Asia and Korea
Linguistic classification: Dravido-Altaic


Koreanic-Dravidian or Dravido-Koreanic is an obsolete[1] language family proposal which links the living or proto-Dravidian language to the Korean language. The hypothesis was originally proposed by Morgan E. Clippinger in his "Korean and Dravidian: lexical evidence for an old theory" published in 1984. This language proposal is made obsolete by the Koreans link to Altaic languages, which is much stronger and is also supported by genetic, archaeological, and anthropological evidence.


1 History
2 Classification
3 Arguments
4 List of potential cognates
4.1 Personal pronouns
4.2 Kinship
4.3 Others
5 References


Similarities between the Dravidian languages and Korean was first noted by French missionaries in Korea.[2] Ohno caused a stir in Japan from his theory that Tamil constituted to the lexical strata of both Korean and Japanese, which was hyped in the 1980s but quickly abandoned after. However Cliffingers method was professional and his data reliable, hence, Ki-Moon Lee, Professor Emeritus at Seoul National University, opines that his conclusion could not be ignored and that it should be revisited.[3] According to Homer B. Hulbert, many of the names of ancient colonies of southern Korea were the exact counterpart of Dravidian words. The Karak Kingdom of King Suro was named after the proto-Dravidian meaning fish.[4][5]

The Korean language is largely considered an isolate, however, there are the proposed Koreanic languages to consider which if true would mean that this could be classified as Koreanic-Dravidian or Dravido-Koreanic. Furthermore, even though the name suggests a relationship between the entire Dravidian languages, it pivots primarily on the Tamil language.[6]

Susumu Ōno,[7] and Homer B. Hulbert[8] propose that early Tamil people migrated to the Korean peninsula. Clippinger presents 408 cognates and about 60 phonological correspondence pairs. Cliffinger found that some cognates were closer than others leading him to speculate a genetic link which was reinforced by a later migration.[9] This view was confirmed by the Centre for Korean Studies at the University of Hawaii.[10] Both languages are agglutinative, follow the SOV order, nominal and adjectives follow the same syntax, particles are post positional, modifiers always precede modified words are some of the common features.[11]

However typological similarities can happen by chance; for instance, if two languages were agglutinative by random chance most of the other typological features like SOV order, post-positional particles, modifiers preceding modified words might also be similar (this is the general trend seen in most known agglutinative languages). The lack of statistically significant number of cognates, the lack of anthropological and genetic links, and that both regions are geographically isolated can be used to dismiss this proposal.[12]

List of potential cognates
Personal pronouns
Korean Meaning Tamil Meaning Notes
Na/naneun I Nān/nānu I Nā is informal in both languages
Ni[citation needed] You Nī You Informal in Korean
Korean Meaning Tamil Meaning
Appa (아빠, informal) / Abeoji (아버지, formal)[dubious – discuss] Father Appā (அப்பா) Father
Umma (엄마) / Ajumeoni (아주머니)[dubious – discuss] Mother/middle-aged lady;aunt Ammā(அம்மா) / Ammuni Mother/milady; honorific for young ladies
Eonni (언니) Elder sister (females for their elder sisters) Aṇṇi Elder Sister-in-Law
Nuna (누나) Elder sister (males for their elder sisters) Nungai Younger sister (Old Tamil)
Agassi (아가씨) Young lady Akka (அக்கா) Elder Sister
Korean Meaning Tamil Meaning Notes
Wa (와)[dubious – discuss] come Vā (வா) come
olla (올라)[dubious – discuss] up uḷḷa (உள்ள) in Ulle / Ulla
Aigu (아이구) - Aiyō (ஐயோ) - Expression of surprise, disgust or disregard
Igut (이것) this Itu (இது) this
Nal (날) day Nāḷ (நாள்) day
jogeum-jogeum (조금 조금) - konjam-konjam (கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சம்) - Literally little-bit-little-bit
eoneu (어느) one onnu (ஒண்ணு) one

Some more cognates Min-Sohn, Ho (2001). The Korean Language. Cambridge University Press. p. 28.

헐버트의 숭고한 한국 사랑 정신을 헐버트박사기념사업회가 이어가겠습니다.

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위 복사,전재,인용을 위해서는 사전에 메일 혹은 전화로 미리 연락해 주시기 바랍니다.

본 사이트는 아이티실크로드(주)에서 제작/기증하였습니다.

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구한말, 조선이 기울어 가고 열강의 싸움터가 된 국가에 초빙 교사로 오신 헐버트 박사님은 한민족의 가능성을 꿰뚫어 보시고 한민족을 끔찍이 사랑하신 선각자였습니다.

늘상 마음의 빚이 있었고, 조그마한 성의라도 보탤 방법이 없을까 고심하던 차에, 낡은 홈페이지가 제대로 열리지 않고 모바일에서 열람이 불가능한 것을 알고 부족한 역량이나마 새 홈페이지의 개발 및 기증을 자원하게 되었습니다.

헐버트 박사가 보여 주신 업적도 뛰어나지만,사재를 털어 평생 헐버트 박사님의 생애를 연구하시고 자료를 발굴하면서 동분서주 하신 김동진 회장님께도 깊은 경의를 표하고 싶습니다.

근대화의 여명기에 한민족의 독립과 발전을 위하여 혼신의 힘을 다하였고, 한국의 잠재적 역량을 발굴하고 희망과 용기를 주신 헐버트 박사의 기념 사업에 여러분을 초대하고 싶습니다.

조그마한 후원금, 재능기부라도 기념사업회에 큰 힘이 됩니다.

많은 분들의 동참을 기대해 봅니다.


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